Thirteen-year-old Sam is ready to become an Eagle Scout. Currently a Boy Scout, Sam chose a project at Gainesville’s Haven Attic Resale Store to fulfill his Eagle Scout Service Project, which is a requirement for becoming an Eagle Scout.
“Sam’s project is to organize three of our bays at the Gainesville store,” said Stormy Palmer-Porter, Haven’s manager of retail business. “We use the bays to store goods for our stores, and more importantly, to store goods for veterans and the homeless who are getting a fresh start.” Stormy said Sam’s project has multiple levels. Sam has worked hard to have items donated to build and complete weatherproof shelving for the bays. Sam orchestrated a large group of volunteers to help accomplish this project. He has cleaned out the bays, gone through the inventory and organized the bays so that they can be used efficiently. Sam and his team of volunteers also used paint leftover from painting his bedroom to stencil inventory categories onto the walls.
Sam’s mother Toby said Sam originally planned to do his Eagle Scout Service Project elsewhere, but changed his mind and decided to do his project at the Haven Attic Resale Store after he volunteered at the store with his church. Toby said, “We started going to the Attic with missionaries in our area that we met through church. One time they asked if we could give them a ride to the Attic and serve with them. I hadn’t thought about it, but my son also needed community service hours. He started volunteering in April and fell in love with the volunteers and the store and everything going on at the Attic.”
Stormy said Sam should be very proud of his work at the Attic; his efforts will help the store better serve the community for years to come.
If you’re interested in volunteering with Haven, please visit
Sam poses in one of the bays he was tasked with renovating at Gainesville’s Attic Resale Store.